From 16th to 20th of June, the Luxembourg Competition Authority took part in the Trento Summer School on Advanced EU Competition Law & Economics.
This training program aims at deepening knowledge, improving practical skills about EU Competition Law & Economics, and developing a career path.
During these days, the participants benefited from:
- the practical experience and the academic excellence of the professors;
- the opportunity to interact with professors and other participants in an informal environment;
- the school’s extensive network of professors and trainers;
- 1 year of full access to the E-learning platform
About the Trento Summer School
Created in 2015, the Trento Summer School takes place in the academic facility in Moena and in outdoor facility in the Dolomites. The Summer School is organised by the Osservatorio Permanente sull’Applicazione delle Regole di Concorrenza based at the Faculty of Law of Trento University, conceived for graduates, practitioners, judges, officials of Competition Authorities, and other national and International organisations. This program offers a unique opportunity to analyse and study EU Competition Law and Economics at an advanced level. The courses combine academic and pragmatic approach on antitrust rules.
Photo : Mattia Melloni, Conseiller (Autorité de la concurrence)